27 September 2006


I keep losing jewelry! Last night I took off my jacket when I got home and my necklace got caught and the clasp came off, so I know it fell somewhere in the house but I can't find it. It's annoying. So today all I wore was earrings, and I might wear my little treble clef necklace, just because piano is today and band is today and the only way that thing's falling off is if someone comes at it with a pair of scissors.

Keep the comments coming, guys! And for those who asked (or maybe it was just one of you...), here's some info on middle children. The writer of the book, Kevin Leman, says that middle children are conundrums, and he even has a chart that describes how their personality traits can be contradictory. So, for example, on the one hand, middle children can be lonely, quiet and shy OR sociable, friendly and outgoing; impatient and easily frustrated OR laid-back. It's quite interesting, and a combination of all the traits he lists fits my sister (middle child) perfectly. And I mean perfectly. She's sociable and friendly, but shy at the same time, impatient and easily frustrated but not very competitive. It's amazing. According to him, middle children are the hardest to read of any birth order.

Youth last night. We played a game that was, for lack of a better name, called "Who's my Neighbor" which basically meant we all sat in a circle and made sure we knew who was sitting beside us, and someone was in the middle. So the person in the middle points at a person sitting down at random and says, "Who's your neighbor on your right/left?" and if they don't answer within five seconds, they're in the middle. But if they do answer, then the middle person says "Do you like your neighbor?" and if the person sitting down says yes, then everyone has to get up and switch seats, and the ensuing chaos means usually that a different person gets left in the middle, because there's one more person than there are chairs. BUT, if the person sitting down says NO, they have to give a reason ("She has glasses" "he's wearing a hoody") and all the people who fit that reason (who are wearing glasses or a hoody) have to get up and move.
So that was fun. Then we did Bible study, which was really thought-provoking. I quite enjoyed it. We also got our 30 Hour Famine prizes (FINALLY) and I got a baseball cap. It's cream-colored with 30HF on the front. Which was good, because I needed a hat.
And we almost have our youth band organized! So that's exciting.

I'm looking into a couple of computers, one an Apple IBook and one a Macbook. The Macbook one costs $30 more, but I'd get free shipping, and according to my uncle it's a really good deal. Except I don't have as much money as I need yet - it's $1079. So I'll have to do some saving, but I think I only need another $100 or so.

Dad's home in two days!


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