Fa la la la la, la la la la. And so on. Yeah, I'm thinking I'm gonna have a Christmas carol title every day from now until Christmas. It seems fitting. Anyway, the reason for that one is that we have (sigh) gotten a tree, and it's set up in the living room. It's a fake tree, which I lobby hard against every year, but this year it didn't work. I guess it's an okay fake tree, not bad or anything. It's perfectly conically-shaped, and pre-lit, which I guess is a good thing, even though I like putting lights on.
I'm actually in a pretty good mood right now - I didn't wake up sick this morning! I was scared I was going to, and that would be bad, because I have Festival of Trees today and I really didn't want to miss it. Even though I am kinda nervous. There's also youth tonight and I do really want to go, if only to see my brother get duct-taped to the wall. I think it's kind of funny how the smallest three people in our youth group are all guys, though I guess it's not unusual.
Oh, and I can't get sick tomorrow either, because I have a babysitting job, and they have a big TV and all three LotR, and so I can't miss it! Oh, and the kids are good too. And not Sunday, because I don't want to miss quiz practice, but Monday would be okay. Listen to me, scheduling when I can get sick...
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