12 April 2007

Life...is not like a book

Much as I wish it were. Well, I didn't go to band yesterday. My mom and I talked about it and figured there wasn't much point, and that it could be worked out by email and other ways rather than...well...what I was going to do. If life were a book, I would have remembered my band folder, and I'd be an expert at piano in a group setting, and our concert would be amazing...but life isn't.

Which brings me to my next point. Piano in a group setting is not for me. I enjoy it solo, I like sight-reading random songs, but I don't think I'm cut out for a career in it. Some people are really good at that, some people really like band settings. I don't. I thought I would try it, it was an okay experience, but I'm not doing it again. And for those of who like that kind of thing, more power to you, but I'm me. And not you. Which means I can take what I want out of music, but it has to be what I want and what I enjoy. And just because other people enjoy being in a band or playing with other instruments doesn't mean I have to. And now I'm going off to play some random Disney song that I like, and I'm going to enjoy it far more by myself than I ever would otherwise.

I wonder if this is just a further expression of my introversion. Hmm. Could very well be.

So, now that I have that off my chest, moving on.

What happened to all my comments, people?! Come on, you haven't all abandoned me, right? (I know Josh is still here, at least)


"And you know what you'll say then? 'If only I had listened to Robyn.'"


Quizzing Nerd said...

You make it sound like you're the only person on earth who doesn't like playing in groups. True, there are some people who like playing in those settings, but I think that there's more people who don't like playing in those setting than those who do. It's fine. :)

Well, when you don't post for two weeks, it takes a little while for people to get back into their reading habits. After this weekend you should get a few more.

Calminaiel said...

Hey, you stole my quote!

But it's such an awesome quote, I forgive you. I mean, who wouldn't want to use it? =P

Melda said...

I was actually planning to use it as a blog quote, but then you used it first :) Sometime in the future I may also use, "If, at some point during your life, you decide to get married - do I have permission to laugh at you if you accidentally say 'Kendath' at the altar?"


Quizzing Nerd said...

Haha! Permission or not, I laughed now. The only trouble is that only Robyn and I are likely to get that quote.

Four comments! I'd say everything's back to normal.

Calminaiel said...

Do you know often I use quotes that only a few people will possibly understand?

Almost all the time.

Anyways, my point is that not everybody has to understand it for it to be totally awesome. =)

Erin said...

Now there are six comments, and I am still here too.

My favourite Robyn quote is: *makes a funny noise* "That was my excited-to-see-Erin noise."
Or something along those lines. But I felt special. :P

Quizzing Nerd said...

"Anyways, my point is that not everybody has to understand it for it to be totally awesome. =)"

I didn't say it wasn't ('cuz it is), I just meant that the three people that would probably get it (You, Sil, and I) have all already seen it. Go ahead and use it, though, it's worth seeing again. :)