So, if you've been paying attention to the news (er, and if you're Canadian) you'll know that there's a Speech From the Throne and a new budget being voted on thus Thursday (three votes in the House Of Commons total), and there's a very good possibility that the Liberals will vote against one of the three. Meaning that Parliament will then dissolve, meaning - guess what! - an election. It's an exciting prospect, not just because I love elections (yes, I an a nerd, and door-knocking makes me excited) but because the Conservative Party of Canada is at about 40% in the polls, meaning that we could quite possibly attain a majority government this time around. Which, if you're hardcore Conservative (and I am) is a very good thing.
CANADIANS - watch the news on Thursday! You'll know if it's election time!
"See, the fluctuation in my sound waves isn't visible with the naked eye."
"I noticed that when I observed your sound waves with my naked eye."
Hmm...well, if I was Canadian, I'm sure I'd watch the polls or whatnot. But...I'm not,'ll just have to blog about it. :P
Lol! oooh, cool, you have a Queen too no? :P *sticks out tongue* But our princess is way cooler than prince....what-was -his-name! Lol.
I mean....she's only 3...or something like that...and has blond pigtails! How cute is that? :P
Errr...yeah, right. :P
Lol. I'm interested in politics, but....I'm neutral. And I'll always be. It's against my principles, as is war.
I like observing politics though. It's always interesting to see so many ways to lie, or avoid telling the truth.
Just out of interest, how is politics against your principles? I know my MP, and I can say with conviction that he's an amazing guy :P How can it really be a bad thing to decide who governs you?
And I could totally get into why I'm not a pacifist...but I won't :)
We sorta have a queen in name, but mostly just for the look of it :P
Lol, we also only have a Queen in name. But our princess is still cooler :P *sticks out tongue again* *is childish* :P nah, the Queen our national mascot. Lol!
Anyway, it 'd take far too long to explain why [i]exactly[/i] I'm not planning to vote, but let's just say that....oh, I don't believe humans should rule/judge others at all. It always goes wrong anyway, and I don't see that changing very soon. Lol, of course, voting for smaller things...I'd do that, if I were an adult. But the bigger stuff? No.
I believe in personal freedom etc.. And I know this sounds illogical and stupid, the way I put it now....but oh well, it's hardly polite to bury your blog under an enormous essay. :P
I suggest that you blog about it, then, Meril!!! ^_^
....everyone in my family except for my twin and I has met the Queen of Holland. Well, perhaps the former queen. I dunno. It was in the 90's.
I actually don't mind blog-burying essays at all. I'm very interested. But go ahead and blog about if you'd like :)
Oooh, I'll blog about it, yeah. Lol. And I guess I should blog about my weird Half-Vegatarianness as well, since people tend to think it's very, very confusing. :P
Which it really isn't.
And if you survived my latest relgious-rant blog....+ ew-y guy before that, you should be able to survive this too :P
Lol! How did they meet her? :P ....could very well be Beatrix. Our Queen is getting old now, she'll soon stop being Queen, methinks. So I guess it'd be the same person.
Hmmm...that'd mean we'd get a King! :D That's cool, actually, since we haven't had a King for...oh, about a 100, maybe 200 years? We always seem to have Queens :P
Ooh, yeah. It was Queen Beatrix. And I don't remember exactly how/why they got to meet her.
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