01 March 2007

Music-y day

Wednesday is my music day. I'm always tired by the end of it, but I like it, especially since we did the two band pieces today that have actual piano parts. I love them. And I evaded ear training at my lesson yet again, which always makes me happy because I detest ear training with a passion. Sight reading too, for that matter. Which reminds me, I need to register for my grade 8 exam this June. The thought makes me think of my grade 7 exam, in which...well....if you know me, you've heard the grade 7 exam rant. It had a happy ending though.

I get to play a Wii tomorrow! Should be amazing, I can't wait. Daniel (little Daniel, not big Daniel who Erin and Everett and I went to see Bridge to Terabithia with) got one a while back and he's been wanting me to come over and play it with him for ages, but somehow I never could. Anyway, I'm going over there and then we're going to youth Survivor night, which promises to be the funnest event yet this year, bar none except the upcoming PIRATE event. Upon hearing about it this tuesday I have a feeling several people found my enthusiasm amusing. Heh.


"How would you breed men and orcs? To do that you'd have to take a man...and an orc....and I'm just gonna stop right there."


Calminaiel said...

Hey, we got a Wii! I can't remember if I told you or not. Anyways, right now we just have Wii sports, but it's still really fun. And you can still play GameCube games on it, so we can still play Third Age.

Melda said...

I keep bugging Daniel to give me his old Gamecube so I can get Third Age and play it, but seeing as he still owns his old Nintendo 64 he had before he got the Gamecube....it'll be a while. Maybe I'll just buy my own :P
