28 February 2007

The art of poking fun

I got to do that today. It was fun.

To explain further - if you keep up with current events at all, you will know that a Canadian producer named James Cameron claims to have found the tomb of Jesus hidden in Jerusalem. Also there, Cameron says, are His wife and son. Now aside from this being impossible because Jesus ascends to heaven in Acts chapter 1, there are several key aspects that make this patently ludicrous. Mostly highlighted in an excellent article I read in the National Post today.

1) The name Yeshua bar Yosef (Jesus son of Joseph) is inscribed on the tomb they think to be Jesus'. But according to the article, the names Jesus and Joseph were common enough back then for there to have been roughly EIGHT THOUSAND Jesus, son of Josephs. Not to mention all the names are written in Semitic text, which from that particular era is very difficult to translate.

2) James Cameron says himself: "I'm not a theologist." Ahem. Are we really supposed to take seriously someone who uses the term "theologist'? It's THEOLOGIAN, genius.

3) I'm tempted to think that if it weren't for a certain book and movie, both called The Da Vinci Code, this would mean absolutely nothing. Tell me, how does a book marked 'fiction' in any bookstore you care to name seem to somehow contribute reams to the rants of archaeologists claiming Jesus was not divine? It's a story, not a history.

The last point is really mine, but the article made several other ones including the fact that Jesus was known as Jesus of Nazareth, and if he had been buried it would have been there and not in Jerusalem. Also, the Jewish and Roman authorities were obsessed with finding Jesus' body immediately after his death and resurrection, which they itched to prove was nothing more than the ranting of lunatics and the start of another obscure Jewish cult. If there was a body to find, they would have found it. But there isn't.

Anyway, I quite enjoyed poking holes in this along with Michael Coren, National Post writer and broadcaster. www.michaelcoren.com.

And I have decided to copy Robyn and attempt to end my posts with a quote. Friends say funny things.


"Black socks may be boring, but I think if Michael was wearing blue dragonfly socks we'd all be slightly worried."


Calminaiel said...

=O You're copying me? What have I done to deserve this? Since when have I ever copied you?

...um...actually, don't answer that...

Melda said...

*Snicker* Yeah, a certain instance comes to mind...

Heh :P I shall quote you occasionally, you can be sure of that...actually I have one in mind for today...


Anonymous said...

As I have said, them finding Jesus's tomb is akin to me digging in my backyard and all of a sudden exclaiming "Aye! I found John the Baptist!"