DENETHOR was on 24 last night! Denethor! Son of Ecthelion! Okay, so that wasn't his name, it was some Russian thing that I forget. Markov, that was it. But I was pretty thrilled that it was him. As soon as Jack walked into the Russian Consulate I'm going, "Hang on a second, I know that guy," and then a minute later - "It's Denethor!!" Which of course I called him throughout the show. They will all be forever LotR to me. I saw Dominic Monaghan on Lost once and said "Hey! It's Merry!"; saw Sean Astin on some random football movie and said, "Hey, it's Sam!"; saw Elijah Wood on the cover of Flipper - "Hey, it's Frodo!" Really, Orlando Bloom's the only one I don't do that with, because I wouldn't know whether to call him Legolas or Will Turner.
And speaking of Will Turner, I watched Curse of the Black Pearl bloopers last night, which was pretty funny. There's this whole improv scene with Jack and the undead pirates. It goes:
Jack: Par...parsnip, partner, parsley...par...
Ragetti: Parley?
Jack: That's the one! Parley!
Pintel: [GLARE at Ragetti] Damn to da depths whatever muttonhead thought up parley!
Jack: The French. Latin-based, of course. Inventors of mayonnaise.
Pintel: [Aside to miscellaneous pirate] I like mayonnaise.
Jack: That's the thing about the French, really. Obsessed with raisins. Humiliated grapes, really. Think about it.
Pintel: [Alarmed look] Don't know!
Jack: Terrific singers, the French. Eunuchs, all of 'em.
Miscellaneous Pirate: That's not right.
Pintel: I used to date a eunuch...
Jack: I'll get me coat.
Giggled quite a bit during that scene. It's making me giggle just writing it out.
But back to 24 - Assad died! He died! I LOVED Assad! Poor guy, he saved the President's life and now they're trying to pin the bomb on him. Instead of those rotten traitors Reed and Carson.
And lastly - tonight on some little-known TV channel there's a special about the, cough *snicker* cough, 'Lost Tomb of Jesus'. The ad in the paper I saw said, "You be the judge." Oh, believe me, I've seen enough to judge aplenty without watching some stupid TV special. So note to anyone who might see that, it's pretty much all blatant fabrication. To quote Warren Kinsella, National Post: "Who would've thought that the man who gave us The Terminator would now be an expert on the last resting place of Jesus? Life's full of surprises, I suppose." Or something like that, I don't remember it word-for-word. Michael Coren and Warren Kinsella have my deepest respect for giving that theory what it highly deserved - a response basically boiling down to, "Hah, you expect us to believe that? Go look up 'theologist'. Should take you a while, as the word DOESN'T EXIST." (No, I'm not still highly amused by that.)
"And yes, I do feel stalked, but I'm always watching you all.... so... are we stalking our stalkers or is it really just you guys stalking vs. my stalking?" ~Kitoky, A-U Forums
I think I might watch that if we have the channel. It might be amusing.
Another random comment! Yay!
Denethor's...quite an idiot. Same with Boromir. Faramir's the only one in that family with a litte bit of sense. And, surprise surprise, he's the only one still alive at the end of the Third Age...
Hehe...I almost said Berethor instead of Boromir.
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