20 May 2007

Loooovely long weekend

I finally got to sleep in this Saturday! And I didn't have to do anything ALL day except go out to Future Shop and buy a GameCube controller, which I have since used to play Harvest Moon. I think it's going to prove just as addicting as I found it last summer. I also ordered Third Age off Amazon, and it should be here by next weekend, which makes me SO excited. Altogether, I've been pretty much perpetually hyper all weekend, and have started counting the hours until I go see AWE. Currently it's 118. Or more precisely, 117 and 54 minutes.

Anyway, tomorrow promises to be just as fun in an introverted huddle-under-the-covers-in-your-pyjamas-reading-Wheel-of-Time sort of way. Which is, of course, the best kind of fun unless you're talking Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End. Yay.


"So why do you have Chinese food in an Indian restaurant?"
"Because I'm Filipino!"

1 comment:

Erin said...

ah yes, my weekend has been the same way... LOVE IT!!!