07 October 2006


Ah, this is what I went through five weeks of school to get to! The first day of a...let me count...ten-day holiday? Nine-day holiday? Something like that. Anyway, we're going to visit my grandparents tomorrow (and their grand piano. It's calling to me, I can hear it) which will be awesome, and then Josh and Emily on wednesday after band! Yay! And I'll be back in time for quizzing saturday practice and youth couch games (Animal Whacking Game! Woot!).

Speaking of which, youth last night was pretty fun - we all made pizza and salad and cookies. I ended up doing a pizza all by my onesies because Jessica and her friend were doing the salad, Matthew and Ben were doing their own pizza and Jeff and Caleb (naughty sponsors) ran off with our cookies and I never saw them again until they showed up with a goopy chocolately mess that they said was cookies. But we ate them anyway. And then nobody wanted to eat my pizza! And I thought it was really good, it has pepperoni and ham and black olives and a lot of cheese and basil sprinkled on top because there was some left over from the pizza sauce. And of course, while we were eating, all the guys agreed that Orlando Bloom was hunkier than Johnny Depp. Which he is. But it didn't make much sense.
Then after supper we feebly attempted a few games (Wink murder and The Mexican Square-Dancing game) but they didn't work out so well, so the guys and some of the girls played floor hockey and some of the other girls who didn't want to (like me) wandered into the sanctuary and fooled around on the piano. Michelle played random chords and I made up a melody on top, which was fun, and then I played He's A Pirate and drew a pretty sizable audience (EVERYONE loves Pirates music). I love that song. Oh, and I finally found out what's happening with youth band, which was good, and suggested some songs to do.

So today all that needs doing is for me to convince my mom to take me shopping for various things, including winter dress shoes, and chores. Which I would actually rather not do.


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