06 September 2007


That's the word of the day. Gloaming. The definition of it in my Dictionary application is:
gloaming |ˈglōmi ng | noun ( the gloaming) poetic/literary twilight; dusk. ORIGIN Old English glōmung, from glōm ‘twilight,’ of Germanic origin; related to glow .
And yes, I got it from Beowulf.

Speaking of which, as Reindeer said I might, I found a guy named Eomer in there today, along with several interesting parallels to The Hobbit. See, the reason Beowulf has to kill the dragon is that it's terrorizing the land because a thief stole one of its treasures - a goblet. Ring a bell, those of you familiar with The Hobbit? And then, when Beowulf and his men go out to fight the dragon, they 'press-gang' this thief, against his will, to be their guide. Again, like Bilbo in The Hobbit. I thought it very interesting. Oh, and I found the phrase 'prince of the rings'. Precursor to 'The Lord of the Rings', perhaps? The 'prince of the rings' described there is Beowulf himself, but the phrase is certainly very similar to Sauron's title.

Seeing a I'm a nerd...I have more vocabulary words. These are actually from my vocabulary-building book, Word Power Made Easy, and they're all personality types.
Egoist - someone concerned only with him- or herself. The phrase "look out for number one" comes to mind.
Egotist - someone who brags overtly about his or her own accomplishments and isn't interested in those of others.
Altruist - someone who thinks others are more important than him/her, wants to know how they're doing, what they've been up to.
Introvert - (yes, this is me all the way) someone who prefers to work alone, prefers the company of one or two good friends over a group, has trouble with cooperative projects. Introverts spend a lot of time worrying about what other people think of them. An introvert may seem unsocial, but their greatest desire is to be accepted and liked. All that is mostly paraphrased from the book, and the last sentence, which made me laugh, is: "You may even be a genius, or eventually turn into one." Go me! A genius!
Extrovert - polar opposite of an introvert. Extroverts make great teachers, counselors, administrators or insurance agents. Extroverts are the life of the party and never worry about being embarrassed. They like to be with lots of people and their personalities are 'turned outward' (as opposed to an introvert, whose personalities are 'turned inward'.)
Ambivert - I read this and thought of a lot of people who are ambiverts. This makes sense, as an ambivert's personality is like the personality of most people. They're at neither extreme, and have introverted and extroverted tendencies.
Misanthrope - hates people (including themself?). Thinks they're all no good immoral *insert bad word*s.
Misogynist - hates women. Likely was wounded/scorned/crossed by one in the past and thinks they're all bad.
Misogamist - against the commitment of marriage, and thinks it's an institution rather than a freedom.
Ascetic - like a stoic. Thinks everything that glorifies the flesh - e.g. makes you feel good - is bad for you. Abstains from pleasure.

Those all fascinated me. I really like personality types. I'm insanely easy to define most times, but they're fun anyway.


"I have Irish heritage."
"I have Ukrainian heritage."
"I'm part mushroom."


Anonymous said...

Hmmm... I think I've had both egoist and altruist days, but I'm sure most people do.

I have more introverted tendencies than extroverted, going by just the characteristics you listed, but I would never call myself a defined introvert... meaning that I'm a slightly introverted ambivert?

And I've had many misanthropic days. in general, people suck. I know, I'm optimistic...

So i guess that makes me an ego-truist slightly inverted ambivert with some misanthropic tendencies. ouch.

Anonymous said...

Oh, whoops, rereading that, I'm not an inverted ambivert. Should have been inTROverted.

or maybe i am! an upside-down introverted ambivert... this just gets more and more complicated. This is the last time I attempt self-analysis.

Melda said...

Quote from zeh ph33rsome Slippery Jim: "Elfstones confuse me. So I try to ignore them."

If you kinda ignore that it's referring to a videogame...it's applicable...if something confuses you, try to ignore it!



Inverted Frog said...

....you stole my vocab book. <_< It's for my English class this year, which means I just started it, but it might end up giving me a few more words in my vocabulary. Either way, though--YOU STOLE IT!!!! AAAAH!...Kind of...because of course, I had it first. Well, my mom did. Did you steal it from her? *suspicious look*

Hah. I'm an introverted person. In RL, I'd take like five minutes to start a conversation with someone I'd never met, as opposed to getting a conversation going right away, the way the rest of my family does.

You know, you neglected to post what an introverted person is good at, do you realize that? I am forever shocked at you. *nod*

Kyleian said...

I know someone who describes an introvert as someone who gets their energy from time alone and an extrovert as someone who gets their energy from being around other people.

By that definition I'm an introvert, but with your definitions, I'd say I'm more of an ambivert.

Melda said...

^Yeah, my parents explained it to me that way too, but I think the definition can be rather broader beyond that. It's definitely true, though.

Sorry, Reindeer :P And no, I didn't steal your vocabulary book, my mom bought it for me :P


Quizzing Nerd said...

I am very much an extrovert. Just that I was perfectly comfortable in a setting at camp where I was always surrounded by people says a lot. And I definitely get my energy from being around other people.