14 March 2007

Living Light News

I got newsprint all over my hands last night. It was fun. I totally forgot that instead of Tuesday night Bible study, we were doing a missions trip fundraiser and helping Living Light News with their paper labeling and folding, and we were supposed to be at church at 5:45. I remembered this at precisely 5:37, and pretty much totally freaked out, but it all turned out okay. So we spent the evening talking about various things while Erin labeled and I folded and bundled and Josh (this is Josh Loeppky. I know quite a few Joshes) did the same as me only at breakneck speed and we all admired the alacrity with which he did it. Eventually our hands turned black, and everybody ended up with newsprint on their faces as well, but we got pizza and snacks. The pizzas were so huge, it wasn't even funny. Hopefully we raised a good amount of money, I don't know how much yet.

Also, I've discovered that the image links in my previous post don't work. Apologies. If you really wanted to see them, email me (friend.of.frodo@hotmail.com) and I'll send them to you.

And here is a quiz meet picture! Thank you Josh! (Josh Stauffer this time.)

This is me and Erin goofing off before a quiz and lying on the floor to click our seats. Normally you sit on them.

  • Clicky

  • An amusing exchange took place at this point, between Erin and a kid from the other team:
    Kid: If you always jump that slowly, you're gonna be easy.
    Erin: Hey, we're not easy - we're the top team in A! And we three are the top three quizzers!
    Kid: [slightly bemused look]
    Erin: [cont.] We've all quizzed out in the first twelve questions of every quiz.
    Josh: One time they did it in eleven, and still nobody knows how they managed it.
    [General laughter]

    See, you need four questions to quiz out, which is why that was funny. For the uninitiated.

    FIVE days until the trailer, SEVENTY-ONE days until AWE, NINETY-FOUR days until school's over, and SIXTY more days of school.


    Erin (to Tyler): "Well, there are lots of other ways you could die. You could fall in the shower and hit your head, get hit by a car, be the victim of a hit 'n' run, not see the open cover of a manhole in the street - "
    Amy: "And fall down it."
    Tyler: "Amy, you're not helping."


    Anonymous said...

    "Erin: [cont.] We've all quizzed out in the first twelve questions of every quiz. One time we did it in eleven, and still nobody knows how we managed it. "

    This was actually my line, and it's so rare that I actually manage to say something that's both original and amusing that you need to attribute it to the correct person when I do. Tsk tsk. Standards are dropping here. ;)

    Other than that, though, the post passes inspection. Congradulations. :D


    Melda said...

    Hey, I was lying on the floor at the time, can you expect me to accurately remember what everyone said? Try it sometime, it's harder than it seems :P


    (And psst, congratulations has a T in it. Two of them)

    Anonymous said...

    Well, I don't find it hard to remember, but that's because I remember useless facts way better than other, more important things. Like, say, how to spell "Congratulations".

    (Ever noticed that misspelling one word makes you paranoid about misspelling everything else? I'm going to go put my comments through Word's spell check to make sure)


    Anonymous said...

    Oh come on Josh, let me take the credit for it, it was funny...

    oh well, i've said other funny things that have made appearances in this blog, so I shouldn't complain.

    I'm also considering making a blog.

    Anonymous said...

    Yeah, you've even got a quote in this post. I only say something funny enough to quote occasionally, so this one is mine. :)

    If you can think of a name (easily the hardest part), do it.

    Anonymous said...

    arg I know, that's the part I'm having trouble with! I need a good url (like amy's ringer pirate), a good screen name (Silmawhateveritis) and yeah. If I can figure that out, I'm off and rolling.


    (yes amy, I am now monopolizing your blog for my own good. bahahaha.)


    Calminaiel said...

    And then Sil's random cousin from Calgary comes in and breaks into the conversation! Hello friends from Edmonton!

    I actually didn't have any real comment for this post...I just felt left out...

    Melda said...

    This is making me laugh...not that everything doesn't. Hello Amy's random cousin from Calgary :)

    See, that's why being obsessed with something is so useful. It gives me a ready-made name for everything.


    Anonymous said...

    Yes, like Amy's random cousin from Calgary ( ;) ) and the bassoon.

    Or, perhaps, quizzing?


    Josh (aka Quizzing Nerd)

    Miliuel said...

    He started a blog! Yay! Finally! Is it going to last more than two days now?

    Erin, blog. Really. Please. I can help with names... not that I'm ever any help...

    I feel like I'm copying Robyn unnessicarily now with a completely useless comment, although hers was better.

    Anonymous said...

    Give me a blog name and I will! ooh, josh blogs. sweeeeet.