08 August 2007


Well, I've been feeling a little overwhelmed lately, what with trying to sum up in a blog post how Costa Rica went and how my summer's been and what's happening with my birthday coming up, and so on and so forth. So, knowing that I'm keeping all of you waiting, I decided to do a blog post full of quotes. Because I have a TON of them. And of course, I shall highlight recent events ans stuff.

Let the quotes begin!


[Me]"So I'm a bigger ickle WoT paradox kitty who got sold on eBay?"

[Me]"Coffee makes my nose feel funny."
[Chris, aka Elegost Eruaphadion, my cyber-friend in the UK]"You know, when you drink it, you're only supposed to tip the mug so far..."

[Me]"You DO love me!"
[Jamie, aka pirateoftherings, my cyber-friend in Texas]"No. You're just a good source of entertainment."

[Chris]"You know, if we ever do meet up, we're going to need sedatives purely for the Canadian."

[Bilbo Baggins, but more recently Jamie]"Go back? Not good at all! Go sideways? Impossible! Go forward? Only thing to do! On we go!"

[Samantha, aka Lady Dark Moon, my cyber-friend in Georgia]"One of the first things you'll learn from being in one of my RPGs is that I never care what you do as long as you don't...randomly grow a third arm...or something..."
[Jamie]"Does that mean I can bring in the pet whale?"

[Jamie]"I don't speak Tur fluently, just enough to get by."

[Me]"Tell me, since when do demented Aussie street kids have any similarity to ELVES? She's disgracing the elven name!"

[Me]"Aw pooh, I never showered."
[Jamie]"Pfft. Extraneous."
[Me]"Yeah, well, you don't have to smell me."

[Veronica, aka Haldir o' Lorien, a cyber-acquaintance of mine from Toronto(!)] (Warning: quote only understandable by Tolkienites) "Favourite Tolkien character: Haldir, for sure. Being a guard doesn't make him unimportant! And why else would I make him a fan site? :-P I also really like Thingol... but there is only so much that one can put on a Thingol fan site."

--->Costa Rica Quotes

[Erin, at Salt Lake City airport]"We can't say the b-word, or they'll think we're t-words!"
[Joanna]"What b-word?"
[Erin]"The EXPLODING b-word!"

[Tired Amy]"Amy hasn't sleep in long time."
[Tired Erin, regarding bunk beds]"Do you want bop or toddom?"

[Bryan, before a team meeting]"All prisoners accounted for?"

[Erin]"I'm artistic, okay?"
[A slightly deaf Bryan]"Erin's autistic?"

[Me]"I've decided I need to marry a Kendath Turner."
[Bryan, deaf again]"Amy's marrying a turd? I can see it now. Mrs Amy Turd. And the kids would be little turds."

[Erin]"Poquito. Like a toe and thorn. Poke-ee-toe!"

[Erin's low point of the day]"I got coke spilled on my favorite skirt."
[Everett's low point]"I spilled my coke!"

[Erin, during Kyle's Inventing Saga]"What did I invent?"
[Kyle]"Nothing. You lived in a hole south of Cleveland for ten years. Elvis lives there now."
[Erin]"Did I have a cat?"
[Kyle]"No. That was before I invented cats. They used to be catdogs, but the catdog kept trying to chase itself. So I decided they'd be better off as two animals."

[Kyle, still during the Inventing Saga]"Hey Graham, remember that day you invented the dishwasher?"
[Graham]"You invented the dishwasher?"
[Kyle]"No, you did."
[Graham]"Oh, I did!"

[Me, again, during the Saga]"Who invented the sign?"
[Kyle]"That guy in the car in front of us."

[I don't remember who said this]"It's the unspoken rule of San Jose. All graffiti must be in Portuguese."

[Me. Saga. Or was it Erin?]"I'm gonna spontaneously combust over here."
[Graham. I think.]"Oh yeah, Kyle invented that a few years ago. We haven't found a use for it yet, but he did."

[Bryan, sick]"On the upside, Imodium is delicious."

[Kyle or Tyler, whispering]"I have tylenol."
[Kyle or Tyler, whispering]"I have ibuprofen."
[Jessica, unsure what's going on, whispering]"I see dead people."

[Random airport official we made up]"Are you carrying a bomb?"
[Kyle's apparent fix-it-all phrases]"Si! Gracias. Donde esta el bano?"(Yes! Thank you. Where is the bathroom?)

[Jessica]"Spiderweb, spiderweb, I'm gonna kill the spiderweb."

[Kyle]"The best way to know if drywall is done is to lick it."

[Graham]"Can I sit here?"

[Joel, our Latino little brother]"No no, not little friend, big friend! Big!"

[Jessica]"The Scobster's gonna eat me!"

[Don't remember]"Will you join our political party? We give one donut for four hours of exercise!"

[Me]"I have dibs on anyone's dessert they don't want!"
[Bryan]"Kyle doesn't want his. He told me."

[Bryan]"If there's a pond, or a fountain, or a deep gorge anywhere near Erin, someone tie a rope around her. Or take away her camera."

[Me]"Can you clarity your deity?"

[Jessica]"Feet are sexy."

[Bryan, after Erin and I abused alarm clocks]"There should be a society. People for the Ethical Treatment of Alarm Clocks."

[Erin]"The paint won't come off my hand."
[Bryan]"I think that means you're going to die."

[Erin, re Bryan]"His wrinkles iron themselves out, he has no body odour - what next?!"
[Me]"His teeth brush themselves?"

[Me]"I've discovered a new talent of mine!"
[Me]"Spinning people in circles underwater!"
[Bryan]"Oh. I was hoping it was flying."

[Bryan]"It says, if you get it in your eyes, to consult a physician. If you get it in your mouth, you should consult a mortician."

[Jessica, re a cute stray dog we saw every day]"It's the dog!"
[Jorge, driving truck over bump]"There WAS a dog."

[Bryan]"So. In the parking lot at 7:30 am."
[Various people]"I thought this was a vacation!"
[Bryan]"It is. You can stay up as late as you want."

[Bryan]"See, rice and beans makes me think of rice and bugs."(silence)"Enjoy your meal, Erin."

And those are my quotes! For Costa Rica pictures, go here: http://picasaweb.google.com/Aelynnrylis/CostaRica?authkey=OekI_ozHRfI

As a last snippet of news - I got my exam mark. NINETY! ON GRADE EIGHT ROYAL CONSERVATORY PIANO!

No, I'm not excited. Not in the least. Couldn't you tell?



Calminaiel said...

Hey! I got ninety on my grade eight royal conservatory bassoon exam! Go us! lol


Melda said...

W00t! *Does a happy dance*

Yeah, I was pretty euphoric...my teacher said she'd never had such a high mark on a grade 8 exam in 15+ years of teaching :)


Anonymous said...

Haha LOVE the quotes! You'll never guess what happened to me while we were driving to Idaho... so I'll just tell you. :P

My brother looks up at a street sign, reads it, and says "Hmm... I wonder who invented signs."

I burst out laughing, gathered control of myself, and said with a perfectly straight face, "That guy in the car in front of us."


Anonymous said...

[Kyle or Tyler, whispering]"I have tylenol."
[Kyle or Tyler, whispering]"I have ibuprofen."
[Jessica, unsure what's going on, whispering]"I see dead people."

This was my favourite.

Anonymous said...

haha what had happened there was everybody was talking normally, but it seemed really loud to me because I had an awful headache, so I said "Can't you all be quiet? My head hurts." They started quietly offereing me medication and... well, you can see the results.