26 September 2006

Little bug?

I think there might be a little flu bug going around - my sister's stomach wasn't feeling that great last night and neither was mine, and apparently my brother wasn't feeling too good either. We all seem okay now though, so it must have been just some weird little thing.

And sadly, my other little blue star earring is indeed lost. It's really too bad, I only wore them for about a month. And they were from this cool place called The Plaid Giraffe where I went with my aunt and uncle. And what good is one earring? I did have kind of a cool idea that I should get gold hoops and wear them with my Elizabeth Swann costume at Halloween, to make me look more piratey. She doesn't actually wear them in the movie - call it artistic license.

I came up with a design for our new quizzing shirts this year, and I personally think it's kind of cool. I don't think any quizzers read this, and they're not supposed to know whose is whose, so I think I'm safe to say what it is. It's CIA in big red letters, and then underneath in smaller ones it says "Christ In Action". I also had a neat idea for this upcoming quiz meet - The Little Orange Book Awards. You see, all our little Acts booklets this year were plain orange, whereas in past years they've had pictures on them and there wasn't much opportunity for decoration. So I thought it would be fun if people entered their decorated books and we decided which ones we thought were best. The only thing is, I don't know if people would enter. I would have to make it pretty simple, I guess.

Oh, and I finished The Lost Colony! I started reading it again, too, but I'm reading this book for school called The Birth Order Book, about how your placement in your family affects your personality. According to it, firstborn children are: conscienctious, well organized, serious, goal oriented, achieving, people pleasers, believers in authority, perfectionist (haha), reliable, list-makers, critical, scholarly, self-sacrificing, conservative (of course!), supporters of law and order, legalistic, and self-reliant. That pretty much describes me to a T! I would post a review of The Lost Colony but nobody I know has read it and it would be really hard not to spoil it. So I'll wait.

Dad's home in three days! If he were on the phone he could tell me exactly how many hours until he's here. I think he misses us just as much as we miss him!

And last but not least...I was rather proud of my outfit today. I've become quite creative lately. Just thought I'd say.



Anonymous said...

Tell me the spoilers! I need them!
I'm a quizzer. But I'll recognise your team anyways. :)
I'm the only one on our team who actually got a little orange book. They didn't have enough for us. Unfair.

Anonymous said...

That birth order thing is interesting. It doesn't fit me exactly(I'm an eldest child, for those who don't know), but it's pretty close. I'd be interested to learn what the other ones are.


Calminaiel said...

That thing about the first borns is really neat. Applies to me...not all of it, as you probably know, but still...not completely unlike me....I don't think...