08 September 2006


I'm pretty happy - I just got a regular babysitting job for the next week that could possibly last for quite some time after that. I also babysat this morning for two little girls, ages 3 1/2 and 1. Mom says I'm going to have to start saving for college soon, but I'm going to buy my own computer first. Hopefully an Apple laptop. The family I babysat for actually might be getting rid of their laptop, which is an Apple IBook (I think he said it was called an IBook), so the dad's going to look into it for me.

Went to Mike's last night, and for once wasn't tired - if dad hadn't wanted to go home I even maybe could have gotten a start on entering the new memberships we brought in, but my little brother needed to get to bed. So I'll probably go and catch up on Monday. Maybe it was the cookies that kept me so awake.

Anyway, tonight is Youth Summit, which will be fun, but it lasts till midnight. Whew. I'm not sure how I'll stay awake. And my dissection kit for Exploring Creation with Biology came today, which is sort of interesting and sort of gross. There's a lobster, a frog and a fish to be, er, dissected. Lovely. Could be interesting, though.

School needs doing, quite a bit of it, so I'm going to fly.


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