21 September 2006

Rain. Again.

We wouldn't want sun or anything, oh no. Let's rain for a week STRAIGHT and see what effect that has on people in general. I know it's not making me any more chipper than I would normally be. I mean, if it's going to be so cold and rainy, could we at least have some snow please?
Band yesterday was good - turns out I had nothing to worry about. I just listened this time, but he gave me music for next week. Three songs. In two of them the piano parts are just the condensed version of all the other parts, which means I can't possibly play everyone at the same time but I'll be playing high mostly because we have a bit of an imbalance of low instruments to high. I think that's what he said, anyway. At this point I'm a bit band-lingo-illiterate. The third song actually has a piano part, which I'm excited about, because it means I get a solo and that I'm actually contributing something different. And I'd just like to say right now that I'm sorry, everyone who's reading this who plays the clarinet or the sax or...eh...bassoon...but I think I have the best instrument out of you all - I can do a solo all by myself, I don't need an accompanist, piano is adaptable to pretty much any situation...I'm sorry, but I think I have the best one!
And now that that's out of my system, we have three trumpets (all of whom are guys) an alto sax (also a guy) a bari sax, one girl who can do clarinet or bass clarinet as the situation demands, one clarinet, two flutes, a snare drum and me! Oh, and one of the trumpets is a bassoon as well, but I don't think he has it right now. So that's pretty cool. The only thing I'm a little worried about is - the piano sure isn't brand-new or anything. I hope it's even passably in-tune. And I hope I'm not a complete failure when it comes to watching a conductor while I'm playing.
Oh dear...I feel so bad about this week, I'm going to need to do some serious studying for my science test (tomorrow. Groan.) because like I usually do...I left it all until the last minute. I feel a bit stupid. And I got almost no quizzing done yesterday, which means I'm WAY behind schedule, and - well, I guess someone could make an argument at this point, what am I doing sitting here? And the answer is - I want to delay it as long as possible.
But before I go - Bill, another guy who volunteers for Mike, told me the funniest story before he dropped me off at him last night! So his mom was at the pancake breakfast for Mike (you remember that, Monte Solberg was there) and met me. So later, I come up in the conversation and she says to Bill, "You know, she reminds me a lot of me when I was younger." Because she had a lot of younger siblings and a lot of responsibility. So Bill says, "Oh really, Mom? Were you brilliant?" and I laughed! I said "Bill, I'm flattered!"

Yes, I know, I'm going.



Anonymous said...

No, I have the best instrument. Well, fine, it's the same as yours. I also have another best instrument. I have two! So there!

Calminaiel said...

You just wish you were better then bassoons.
But that's not what I'm here to say. You'll do fine in band. Watching the conductor is really not hard, all they really do is wave their arms around until the music stops. Anyone can do it.
And you still have to tell me what pieces you're playing!