As opposed to, you know, New Year's.
I resolve to actually keep track of the books I read. I used to have a list specifically for the purpose, in my school binder, but that was when I went through books like candy and found it chiefly more of a nuisance than anything to have to write them down when I was finished with them.
So, in the spirit of this:
Have read (1): Mad Ship by Robin Hobb
Am reading (1): Monster by Frank Peretti
Have out from the library and intend to read (2): The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy by Douglas Adams, and When God Writes Your Love Story by Eric and Leslie Ludy. (I anticipate the last to be along the lines of I Kissed Dating Goodbye by Josh Harris, so if it's fairly repetitive I may not finish it.)
Also, I'm in the middle of watching Firefly (sci-fi TV show canceled after 11 aired episodes) and I have recently acquired from the library discard pile a book of art from The Fellowship of the Ring (movie), The Hobbit graphic novel, and an old collection of Beethoven piano solos. We'll see if I actually get around to learning any.
Yaaaay, Melda! Firefly is the best TV show. ^_^
Monster was pretty good, but I'll always enjoy The Oath the most. :P
You're going to love tHGttG. :D
A book of art from The Fellowship of the Ring. That sounded the most interesting to me.
And tHHGttG seemed to be everyone's favorite book when it came out. I'm going right now to my NYTimes to read their review of it.
Lucky girl - having a discard pile to muddle through.
yay Hitchhiker's! It is so quotable. and Firefly!
I real Monster and though it was good. Strange, but good.
Haven't read The Hitchhicker's Guide to the Galaxy yet though.
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