18 May 2009

Link added

And wow, is my list ever getting long. Newest is Dragons! Lip gloss! Death!, which is Naomi Novik's LiveJournal, and if you don't know who Naomi Novik is, well, YOU SHOULD. She writes the Temeraire series, historical fiction/fantasy set in the Napoleonic Era. With dragons!

I never talk much about my blog links, actually. Let's see...Small Dead Animals belongs to the almighty Kate MacMillan, who is funny AND conservative, and more handy than a newspaper.

Boundless Line is the blog for boundless.com, a webzine for young single Christians, and there's a variety of bloggers over there who talk about the issues facing our generation and how we should respond. There are some great thought-provoking discussions in the comments, too.

Captain Capitalism is a rabid economist/capitalist/I assume a conservative, and when I say rabid I mean rabid. But he is entertaining, and that's why I read him. We do disagree on some things. Like whether or not kids are a good thing and whether or not liberal arts degrees should exist in universities.

Kyleigh's Blog is the stomping grounds of the lovely Nightingale off A-U, also with thought-provoking posts from a young Christian.

DRAMA QUEENY Rhythm...oh boy. We're related.

send in the clowns, again, related, except this time 'tis my grandma. She writes about many things, not least Alberta wildlife and current news.

through a glass darkly is by Valera/arinelspeth teh ph33rsome engineer of d00m. She also writes mean sci-fi and I don't think she'll mind if I add that there are fifteen chapters of such sci-fi here. And there had better be more :D

Charlotte's Thoughts, whee, related again. Her recent topics include voting, smoking, Mother's Day, poetry...many things.

Western Canada Quizzing is the blog for the WCD district quizzers, where there are photos and recently a promo video and news updates.

Bassoon Freak - how many relatives are we at now? Four? Tales from a music major. She must know some very funny people (or have a lot of inside jokes) because I can't manage a quote at the end of every post at all.

Quizzing Central - Tales of a Quizzer for study tips and amusing anecdotes. We all love quizzers.

Imperfect Cogitare is, again, the stomping grounds of an A-Uer, Fencing Maiden. She writes about writing and posts writing along with thoughtful observations about life in general, all presented vividly and with a refreshingly unique perspective. Really, what's not to like :P

megs musings, poetry from Inwe Calaelen. Except she needs to post more. *hinthint*

And you already heard about Dragons! Lip gloss! Death!

Those are my blog habits. Check them out.

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