07 April 2009

Writing Hour

Currently assigned to between 10 and 11 on weekday mornings. The rule is that I MUST spend at least this hour writing. It doesn't matter what it is. Today it was the end of a scholarship letter and the beginning of an essay on life as a Christian teenager, and now it's a blog post. I could say that I'm done my English course (in which, by the way, I got a 95% on the exam and a course grade of A) and therefore I can drop English, but that would be silly.

This is only one of a whole host of rules I make for myself, too. I never cease to find it entertaining that the moment my parents stopped making rules for me, I started making them for myself. For example, I have to be off MSN by 11 pm, and ideally asleep by midnight. I have to set my alarm for 7 am (though when I actually get up varies). It's best if I'm not on MSN until 4 pm or after, but I can make an exception for myself if I work a 5-9 shift that day. I'm not allowed to do the crossword puzzle in the paper until lunchtime because otherwise I start school late. I am allowed to check facebook while I'm doing school, but only the main page. Strictly speaking, I'm only allowed one cup of coffee per day. I have to record all the money I spend, so that I can add it up at the end of the month (and what? Mostly, think I spent too much, until I check how much I made.) Oh, and I can't listen to music with lyrics while I do school because it distracts me. During piano practice, I'm allowed to skip one piece, as long as I don't skip the same one the next day.

I'm actually sitting here giggling at myself now. This sounds insanely anal. I didn't even know I had this many.

Oh, and I start school at 9, but if I have time before then, I can read. I have to be off the computer 15 minutes before I have to be at work, because that way I have time to get ready and go.

And my closet has to be color-coded. No, I'm kidding, I made that one up.

(That's an idea, though...)


Joy said...

My closet is organized like this. Jeans/tshirts - first.
Ragamuffin clothes - second.
Work clothes - third.
Just-hanging-out clothes - fourth
And nice dresses - fifth.

I sort of go crazy if it's done any other way. :P

You're rules cracked me up though. Although I actually need to make a rule enforcing an hour of leisure... or I end up studying myself to exhaustion.

Joy said...

Joy how could you?
Back to studying simplistic grammar and the art of actually THINKING about what one is typing...