10 March 2009

"It's funny how you talk about motivation...

...and then don't post for a long time."

Thanks Josh. No, I kid, it's been a while, primarily due to this process:

[Sees blog in bookmarks]
[Checks the sidebar for other blog updates]
[Contemplates header and thinks, 'I'll need a new header soon']
[Contemplates posting and decides there's not much of interest to say]

See, I'm not a fan of just rambling on about me all the time, because I have this preoccupation with being even vaguely original, and there are gazillions of bloggers all over cyberspace who are all like, "Yeah, so today I went to English class and then to the mall after" or something like that. Therefore, I try to find things to blog about that are a bit more relevant to people other than me. But as I think the reason most of you are reading this (all the multitudes of four of you, following on the side) is to find out about me...that doesn't make sense.

So! Begin the rambling!

First up: I made the Great Western Canadian Bible Quizzing Invitational Tournament (commonly known as Great West, despite the grandiosity of GWCBQIT), for the second (and last) time. This means I get to study my butt off for the next six weeks minus a few days, and probably go through the ritual of having grand plans before the meet and having reality smack me over the head the moment they say "Question number one." You'd think, that after almost six years of this quizzing thing, I'd be over that. But no. I always think that this meet is going to be the meet where something magical happens and I'm BAM one of those uber amazing quizzers who quizzes out flawlessly in the first three and a half questions of the quiz. (...and for those of you not familiar with quizzing, you need four.) However, I am not. But I have other good qualities.

Like having my work called 'publishable' by my university-level English tutor, for one. (Sorry. [/bragging])

Also, I have officially acquired my mark from the Royal Conservatory for my Grade 9 piano exam. It is a 75, solid Honours and very respectable for this level of piano. I'm glad it's over. My transcript is very nearly illegible or I'd try to reproduce some of the examiner's more complimentary observations of my playing. Now I'm into some fun stuff, currently working on The Entertainer (Scott Joplin), Moonlight Sonata (all three movements, Beethoven), the first of the Deux Arabesques (Debussy), the Star Wars theme and The Incredits (credits music from The Incredibles.) It feels really good to not have an exam hanging over my head.

I always talk about upcoming events and never blog about them, which is perverse. Oh well. My English exam from the University of Athabasca is looming, so if you think of it, prayer for that would be appreciated. Otherwise, I just need to keep on slogging through it all.

"Don't feel bad about crying. I think that if you didn't, you'd short-circuit something somewhere."


Joy said...

I like your rambling. Oh, and Deux Arabesques! Very fun. I pretty much love anything Debussy, but that and Reverie are my favorite to play.

tango said...

I agree with your other correspondent. Rambling is good. Did you see Robyn's Poll? She also asked about rambling, and her poll said the same thing - we like the rambling.
Amy, congratulations on your mark of 75 in your Conservatory Exam. I am SO proud of you. Such a lot of work and done so well. You are a talented girl.

And also congratulations on the Great Western Canadian Bible Quizzing Invitational Tournament. You deserve that one. I predict you're going to become one of the better coaches after that.

And rambling? Did you see Robyn's poll about blog rambling? Everyone thought she rambled and they liked it. I think the same about your rambling.

Well, I'll see if I can get this posted now.
