19 September 2008

Productivity is overrated

I was sitting here staring aimlessly at my laptop screen anyway so I figured I might as well conjure up a post. Fridays invoke this strange lethargy in me and I have no urge to make progress on absolutely anything except the list of Top 25 Most Played in my iTunes library. Oh, I will, I know I will, because piano must be given its requisite hour and a half, and I cannot quote Luke 2:1-40 word-perfect yet, and I haven't studied music history in two days. However, I am almost finished my diagnostic essay, which is the first one due in my English course, and the course itself doesn't even start until October 1st, so I figure I'm decently ahead enough that I can take one day off.

[/justifying laziness]

This week was:

Music: Rebirthing by Skillet; Paper Rain (Remix) by Amanda Stott; For The Beauty of the Earth by BarlowGirl. I am discovering that I can tolerate almost every genre of music in existence, possibly excluding screamo.

Books: The Great Hunt by Robert Jordan, since the beginning of August. I'm reaching the end. There are 10 more of like length after it, which makes me happy, because fantasy does not get much better than Wheel of Time. Evidence That Demands A Verdict by Josh McDowell, just finished the chapter titled: "Significance of Deity: Lord, Liar or Lunatic?" and Boy Meets Girl by Joshua Harris.

Clothing: I know nobody is really very interested, but I love my brown hoody. I love it. And my skinny-ish-but-not-really jeans from Reitmans that will start to get holes if I wear them any more.

Other: My favorite blue pen, a Dead Man's Chest popcorn bucket, chemistry equations, two flotillas of mini card ships, chocolate chip cookies, the slightly insane Hector Berlioz, Mike Lake lawn signs, Luke 2:39, la voiture rouge, too-short headphones, inept party leaders, thesis statements, and Phantom Grey.

Monday I am attending a workshop thingy for student-teaching piano, and will hopefully have acquired some students...sometime. I am teaching piano. 'Tis a strange world.

Here's hoping that next week isn't as jam-packed as this one. Because hope springs eternal.



"My bus comes at 7:30. So I get out of bed at 7:29 and hope it comes at 7:34."

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