08 September 2008


I have made a resolution with myself to blog every Monday and Thursday if not more often. (Hold me to it.) So I was sitting here pondering what one might blog about, and as evidenced by the title, inspiration hath struck.

Yep, it's election time.

The Facts: This campaign will culminate with Election Day on October 14th, 2008. That means that there are exactly thirty-six days in which to door-knock, put up signs, stay up really late sticking labels on things, and generally go insane. The polls vary depending on source, but some have the Conservative Party of Canada as high as 43% of the popular vote and the Liberals trailing at 24% or 25%. (However, as I read in the National Post today, the only poll that matters is the one on Election Day.)

And my personal opinion? I think we're headed for a Conservative majority government under Prime Minister Stephen Harper. Many projections (some I read in the paper today, even) predict another Conservative minority or even a Liberal minority. Conservative minority? Perhaps. After all, they've accomplished enough with this one that a minority is no cause for complaint. Liberal minority? Hah. They weren't even prepared enough to have their campaign plane painted red, even after TWO AND A HALF YEARS during which an election could have been called at any time.

If my voice holds out (which it may or may not, even with the mugs of tea I'm consuming to drown this stupid cold) I'm going door-knocking tonight. With my Member of Parliament.

I don't care what the skeptics say about democracy. I have a say in who leads my country and I'm sure not letting the opportunity slip by, even if I can't yet vote.


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