08 November 2007

I actually have nothing much to blog about

I just figured it was time for a post. Let's see...what's been going on in my life lately...it's been mostly the same as usual. Nothing especially gripping. I kinda abandoned Mists of Avalon about 4/5 of the way through, because it was getting boring and I knew what was coming and I never like reading about the collapse of Arthur's court. Mordred also made me very edgy. And I really did not appreciate some of the weird romantic pairings she stuck in there. I prefer slightly more canon Arthur, thank you very much. Anyway, I started Stone of Tears by Terry Goodkind. It's a really thick book, and at this point I don't know if it's quite worth finishing. It hasn't gripped me yet, and I've given it a good couple of chapters. Also started The Kingdom of the Golden Dragon by Isabel Allende, which is a bit more interesting. Other books by her have been slightly odd, but she's a good writer. Actually, I started another book last night, too - The Separated but someone whose name I don't remember, and probably isn't worth remembering. There are certain books that you open and immediately know you could write them better. This was one of them.

I'm really looking forward to Christmas. As in, really. I'm not quite sure why, but I'm totally in the mood for it. I was playing carols on the piano yesterday and wishing we were already into December. Ah well, I can wait.


"Oh yeah? Well, I just de-voluntold myself!"


Inverted Frog said...

...you're reading Stone of Tears? By the way you wrote that, I kind of got the idea that you haven't read Wizard's First Rule, which is the first in that series. It's the only one I've read, and that was only once, but it was fairly well written, and had some interesting characters.

Dell Brandstone=The Awesomeness.

Melda said...

Oh, good to know. The library only had that one book...maybe that's why I don't like it as much. I should see if I can get the first one.

It reminded me of the Stone of Tear in WoT :P


Inverted Frog said...

Ditto. w00t for WoT!

Anonymous said...

...hahahaha...MoA's....creative pairings were exactly why I didn't completely love it. Though I loved the end. It's not what you'd expect, really. Very peaceful. :)

But Arthur/Lancelot is....not my thing either. @_@ Hahaha. :P

And I've never heard of any of those books. Meh. Our library has more "RL-based" books, though those are sometimes even less realistic then most fantasy ones... :P

Melda said...

Fantasy pwns. I hardly read anything else :P Gwenhwyfar also annoyed me to death in MoA. She was just...bleh. I can understand Lancelot/Gwen sometimes, but how could he be so in love when she was so...boring? I liked the idea of Morgaine/Lancelot way better. And Arthur/Lancelot made me GAG.


Inverted Frog said...

You can blog about Phantom Grey, Melda, since I blogged about Star Crystal. How's that? :P