It's raining. Again. Honestly, if we have to have precipitation and it has to be freezing cold, why can't it be snow? Snow is pretty and fun to play in and it makes us feel all nice and winter-y. But rain just makes you look out the window and think 'Eurgh'.
Anyway. Today's my sister's birthday, and here I was going to say that I'm a little tired of her bursting into tears every time something doesn't go her way because it's her birthday, but I couldn't figure out how to do it without sounding snobby. Oh wait, I just did. I can't exactly blame her for being disappointed that her friends couldn't come over and mom couldn't pick up the lunch she wanted because the van had a flat tire, though.
I didn't have to go anywhere yesterday! It was awesome! I laid around all day in comfy clothes and finished Beauty (by Robin McKinley) and started the first Harry Potter. I still haven't read the sixth, and for a while I didn't really want to, but now that it's at the library I figured I'd read the whole series over again, just to get the appropriate nuance before reading number six.
Youth tonight - Cater to Yourself. We're making our own supper from scratch. Pizza, salad and cookies, I believe. We're also having pizza for supper for my sister's birthday, which means I get pizza twice in one evening! Awesome!
I'm not really in the mood for a long blog post right now, I don't think. I'm gonna go watch Sky High again.
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