05 October 2006


Oh boy, can you say no free time? I even made a schedule for myself today and assigned all the things I needed to do a time. Quizzing got an hour, math got a half hour cause it was a test (it'll likely take shorter than that) and I think I'll do piano this evening because I want to watch Sky High this afternoon. The kids (don't mind me, I call my siblings 'the kids') got it from the library. And just now, I killed two birds with one stone by doing my english assignment on my history text. I was taking notes. Go me. Maybe I can read a little bit this morning - I got 'Beauty: A Retelling of Beauty and the Beast' by Robin McKinley from the library, and it's a really good book so I hope I have some leftover time to read. I also had Eragon and Eldest on hold, but only Eldest is in, which is annoying because I wanted to read Eragon first. I also got a biography of Peter Jackson, an autobiography of Sean Astin, Bored of the Rings (a parody of LotR. I'll try not to be offended) and one other one that I think is called Understanding the Lord of the Rings. Normally it wouldn't take me very long to do all of those but I have a feeling it'll take me a good long time now that life has kinda started up again.

Piano and band yesterday. Wednesday is soon to be my music day - piano lessons, then band, and pretty soon I'll have youth band practice in the evenings. I think. Piano was one of those days - I felt like I had a really bad practice week, and then I go into my lesson and my teacher's going, "Wow, that's so awesome! You're doing really well, keep up the good work!" and she seemed astounded when I said I only practiced four days. I guess it could be worse! Band was kinda boring, I played warm-up stuff and listened to them tune, and then didn't really play much else until the end, when I did tambourine for one song and lamely attempted orchestra bells for another. Yes, it's the same layout as a keyboard, but it's way different in that your playing technique changes drastically. It was interesting, though. And I did Accidentally in Love with our drummer, who is autistic. It went pretty well, though I was a little annoyed that they seemed to expect me to have the accompaniment perfect in one week. I have a life. And it does not revolve around band. Sorry, Robyn, but it doesn't. Oh, and then, just as I was walking out to meet my dad (who was driving our brand-new leased 2006 Impala and wearing his suit! No, I wasn't exceedingly proud...heehee...nobody else's dad looked so nice...) a hurried-looking sort of person accosted me and asked if I'd be interested in learning a song to sing at the Christmas concert. She'd never met me before, just sorta shoved the music into my hands. Yes, me, sing. I don't think I'm going to say yes, because I have a really low voice and I've never sung alone in front of people, and I'm sure there are way better singers than me out there, they're not hard to find.

At youth on Tuesday we played a hilarious game where we tied balloons to our ankles and ran around trying to pop other people's balloons while not getting our own popped. Me and my friend almost won, but not quite. During bible study it was slightly hard to pay attention, the guys were being silly. Next time I'm going to sit over by the people who actually want to listen. I should really post every day so I don't have to catch up on a bunch of stuff every time.

I did it again, left science too late. Phooey. I should really get on that.


P.S. EDIT: I forgot Ellie's baby shower! Silly me! It was last night. I finally got to hold her, even though she was a little fussy, and I think Natalie liked all the baby gifts. Mine was pretty unique, I made chocolate chip cookies and put them in a nice little canister Mom got from IKEA. She actually bought it for herself but I really wanted to give Natalie something and there was nothing else to put the cookies in, so she said I could use it. Mom's present was a knitted rainbowy-colored super soft little baby poncho. Ellie won't be able to wear it for a year or two, but it is so super cute. She obsessed a lot about the size and the proportions, but I think it'll fit fine. Me and Erin and Loree and Jessica and Debra all folded tissue paper. No, that makes it sound too passive. We dueled over the tissue paper. Natalie eventually just tossed it in our direction and hoped that the floor didn't get too messed up. It was fun.

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