11 December 2009

No using Google!

Christmas Quiz

1. CHRISTMAS MUSIC: Name a Christmas carol whose tune is attributed to George Frideric Handel.

2. CHRISTMAS SPORTS: What NHL teams are playing on December 25, 2009?

3. CHRISTMAS LITERATURE: Circle the name Charles Dickens did NOT consider for the character Tiny Tim from A Christmas Carol: Little Larry, Wee Will, Puny Pete, Small Sam.

4. CHRISTMAS FOOD: What is the most common candy decoration seen on a gingerbread man? (Hint: think Shrek.)

5. CHRISTMAS HISTORY: Explain why December 26 is called Boxing Day.

6. CHRISTMAS MOVIES: In Miracle on 34th Street, an old man claiming to be Santa Claus goes by what name? (Hint: Both first and last name begin with the letter K.)

7. CHRISTMAS SCRIPTURE: Fill in the blanks: "The virgin will be with child and will give birth to a son, and they will call him ________, which means, "___ ___ ___.”

8. CHRISTMAS MYTHOLOGY: Give as many alternate names for Santa Claus as possible.

9. CHRISTMAS FLORA: Poinsettias are poisonous – circle TRUE or FALSE.

10. CHRISTMAS FAUNA: Name all nine of Santa’s reindeer. (Bonus point if you can list them in the same order as in T’was the Night Before Christmas.)

11. CHRISTMAS SYMBOLS: Give the names of the five Advent Candles. (Bonus point if they’re in order.)

12. BONUS: Name all the gifts given in the carol The 12 Days of Christmas, and add up all the gifts mentioned to give the total.

See how you do. My youth group did decently, and I thought I made it pretty hard.

1 comment:

Juanita Stauffer said...

Well since no one else answered, I'll try it.

1. CHRISTMAS MUSIC: Name a Christmas carol whose tune is attributed to George Frideric Handel.

- Joy to the World

2. CHRISTMAS SPORTS: What NHL teams are playing on December 25, 2009?

- no idea

3. CHRISTMAS LITERATURE: Circle the name Charles Dickens did NOT consider for the character Tiny Tim from A Christmas Carol: Little Larry, Wee Will, Puny Pete, Small Sam.

- Puny Pete

4. CHRISTMAS FOOD: What is the most common candy decoration seen on a gingerbread man? (Hint: think Shrek.)

- raisins?

5. CHRISTMAS HISTORY: Explain why December 26 is called Boxing Day.

- because the gentry would box up food for the peasants on that day

6. CHRISTMAS MOVIES: In Miracle on 34th Street, an old man claiming to be Santa Claus goes by what name? (Hint: Both first and last name begin with the letter K.)

- Kris Klaus

7. CHRISTMAS SCRIPTURE: Fill in the blanks: "The virgin will be with child and will give birth to a son, and they will call him ________, which means, "___ ___ ___.”

- Immanuel, God with us

8. CHRISTMAS MYTHOLOGY: Give as many alternate names for Santa Claus as possible.

- St. Nickolas
- St. Nick
- Kris Kringle

9. CHRISTMAS FLORA: Poinsettias are poisonous – circle TRUE or FALSE.

- True

10. CHRISTMAS FAUNA: Name all nine of Santa’s reindeer. (Bonus point if you can list them in the same order as in T’was the Night Before Christmas.)

- Dasher, Dancer, Donner, Blitzen, Comet, Cupid, Olive,

11. CHRISTMAS SYMBOLS: Give the names of the five Advent Candles. (Bonus point if they’re in order.)

- Prophets, Angels, Shepherds, Bethlehem, Christ Child

12. BONUS: Name all the gifts given in the carol The 12 Days of Christmas, and add up all the gifts mentioned to give the total.

- partridge in a pear tree, 2 turtledoves , 3 french hens, 4 calling birds, 5 golden rings, 6 swans a-swimming, 7 maids a-milking, 8 9 ladies dancing, 10 drummers drumming, 11 dancers dancing, 12 lords leaping - I'm stuck!

Mrs. Stauffer