01 January 2009

Because I am oh so original

Resolutions for 2009

- Invest in people, not things
- Don't let fear of failure stop me from trying
- Give hugs
- Remember to say I love you
- Go for walks
- Do my best...
- ...without forgetting that sometimes a break is okay
- Do some headbanging
- Splurge occasionally
- Give of myself
- Grow spiritually
- Remember how much a smile can do
- Curl up with a book and some hot chocolate once in a while

...clean out my dresser, and floss my teeth.

1 comment:

Joy said...

Those last two are pretty deep. Really.

(Almost every new year I say I'm going to floss my teeth regularly... sigh.)

My one resolution was NOT to get married. I think it's pretty good, myself.