05 November 2008

The US Presidential Election

I'm not American. I won't pretend that I know everything about American politics, or that I know enough to have made an informed voting decision.

But I have to say, after reading the paper today, I am so, so sick of newspaper articles prating on about the 'stain of racism' being erased from America's track record. So what is the logic behind that? America enslaved African-Americans, and now the only way it can successfully apologize is to elect a black president? What a glowing endorsement for Obama - here, America feels guilty. Lead our country, and by default most of the free world, and we'll all support you because it's racist not to.

Actually, it's racist both to support Obama because he's black or condemn him because he's black. His race should have absolutely no swaying power. However, you don't see the white people out waving signs, do you now? Somehow, it's okay to have black pride or Native pride or Asian pride or what have you, but the moment I am proud to be white, our left-wing, 'tolerant', walk-on-eggshells world cries "Racist!"

That is the extent of my rant for today.

Thoughts about this election in a nutshell: He's got the single hardest job there is. I didn't support him, but I wish him well.

"Josh Stauffer is wondering why everyone thinks either the world is ending or it's saved. He's just a president. My grandma's seen 14 of them."


Lenya said...
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Lenya said...

Very well put, Melda! *applaudes*

I don't know who Josh Stauffer is, but he sounds like a very smart man!

Melda said...

He's one of my friends :) I thought his facebook status summed it up nicely.