08 March 2007

Bus misadventure

The Edmonton transit buses had a bit of an off day yesterday. See, I'm supposed to get on a bus at 3 in the afternoon, and then transfer once to a different one about half an hour later. But the one bus didn't come until 3:15 and didn't leave until 3:20 because the bus driver had some stupid thing with his boss. Personally, I think he wanted an excuse to smoke his cigarette, but that's me. Anyway, by the time I got to the bus stop downtown where I transfer, it had been and gone, and I waited for about a half hour to see if it would come again. But it didn't. Luckily Dad works downtown, so I phoned him on Mom's cell (which I had borrowed) and he came over and met me and then we walked to his car. Funny thing, there was a time when I would have been thoroughly freaked out by this but now it really doesn't seem like that big a deal. I did miss band, though, which kinda sucked. Especially since Bill brings the keyboard and bells for me and then when I can't make it he sets them up and takes them down for really no purpose at all.

We're deciding on a new school curriculum for next year, because Mom says (and I agree) that besides reading David Copperfield this year has been our most boring school year yet. Anyway, it's 530 English Literature and it looks awesome. My only criticism is that Lord of the Rings isn't in there, and it definetely qualifies as English literature. Mom says it's because it's too dense and Dad said it was because it was too recent until Mom pointed out that if C.S. Lewis is in there (and he is) then it couldn't be. So now they both say it's too dense, and I could probably spend an entire school year studying LotR in its various manifestations. Of course the thought of an entire school year spent on LotR made me pretty excited, but it won't happen.

We're going to see the Prime Minister tonight! He's speaking at the Shaw Conference Center. And Mike! I know Mike reads this periodically, or he did last time it came up in general conversation, so if he still does then Hi Mike and I'll see you tonight. Ha. My MP reads my blog. Take that.

Oh, and as an aside, I've added another link to the sidebar. It's our family in hansard, the government record of everything said in the House of Commons. So if you click that and scroll a little ways down, it's maybe a fifth of the way, you'll see Mike Lake and his maiden speech, in which we appear in the last three or four paragraphs. I happen to appear by name. Go me.


"Ah, fortunately I know how to counter it. The man did the waking buys the man who was sleeping a drink. The man who was sleeping drinks it while listening to a proposition from the man who did the waking."

1 comment:

Calminaiel said...

Yay for late buses. I hardly have to take the bus anymore, my dad drops me off for early morning rehearsals, and my mom picks me up from after school rehearsals. =P

I read the Mike Lake thing. Pretty neat. I like the sound of him.