My blogging constancy lately has been about the same as my journaling constancy, which makes sense, since they come to the same thing--one more private and one less so.
I got a gorgeous journal for my birthday in August. It looks like a ship's log and is made of leather and thick, parchment-y paper, and it sat in my room for months unused because I couldn't make up my mind about what epic purpose suited this wonderful thing. Eventually I decided that I was being silly and started using it as a journal, which I solemnly promised myself I would not neglect.
Ha ha.
What you have to understand about this (and what is part of my feeble defence) is that I am supremely bad at journaling. I'd like to think I'm good at it, since yeesh, if I can't write about my own life, what CAN I write about? But my entries tend to descend into tedium like, "Today I woke up and did not want to get out of bed. But I did. Then I went to work. Zia told me she hated Piglet. My feet have been hurting after work lately. Anyway, it was a long day and" then I'm distracted by something else. I did manage to be semi-consistent for about a month, and then I can cite to you a host of excuses about ceasing to be consistent, but the point is, I've been horrible at any degree of regularity since about October. I meant to memorize quizzing verses. I meant to play the piano every day. I meant to learn some degree of Spanish for the missions trip in July.
I meant to...wait for! Consistently!
The reality is that until I'm done working shifts at two jobs, shifts that are different every week, and juggling that with church involvement and studying for the SAT in May (which I should be doing as I am typing this) and getting the last bits of my university application ready to go (if you're curious, that's going well and I have residence acceptance. Also the director of the English Lit program emailed me and we used Elvish. I feel at home already) I won't be regular or consistent at anything except that necessary stuff.
It's not too much longer; we're almost into April (oops. Header.) and come next year I'm pretty sure I'll HAVE to blog or I'll be bombarded with questions about how university is going.
All that to say, please forgive me. I'll be here. If you're really curious about how I'm doing, fire me off an email or message me on facebook. But I can promise nothing, blog-wise, of a terribly excellent degree of regularity.