17 June 2009

Practicing contentment

I had a list. It was in my wallet, and it detailed what I think are the holes in my wardrobe and what to get to fix them. It included things like black earrings, a cardigan to wear over summer shirts in winter (postponed until then), brown flats, nail polish, and hairbands.

I threw it out the other day, because it wasn't serving much of a purpose beyond making me remember what I don't have and should get. I think it's a lot more valuable to think about what you do have and don't need to wish you did, or even become less focused on 'having' at all. I mean, I like stuff, and clothes and books and shoes and etc, but I'm pretty sure that the time I spend thinking about stuff is time wasted a lot more wastefully than, say, taking that quiz on Facebook to figure out what kind of librarian I am. ('Archivist.' Wrong, as it happens.)

Cause guess what? In the end, you can't take it with you.

1 comment:

tango said...

"Practicing Contentment".
Very neat.
It reminds me of my 'I am working towards a time when everything gives me joy".
It's a good thing to "practice contentment".