23 September 2009

I'm anticipating some thinly veiled hints soon, so...

Um, and also, this is the first time I've been late with a header. I vewy sowwy. I thought I had a Feet of Shadows fall header hanging around somewhere, but a few searches of my computer with the key words 'fall' and 'feetofshadows' reveal nothing.

I'm a bit too lazy right now for philosophical ramblings, so this post falls into the category of An Update on My Life. What am I currently up to?

A) I'm working. At the library. This has required the purchase of some comfy but NOT CHEAP shoes. I'm still recovering from the effects of spending that much money on shoes at one time.

B) I'm hanging out on the Starbucks patio when on lunch breaks at work, sometimes nursing a fancy coffee drink (I allow myself to actually buy something once a week) and sometimes just loitering with a book. Tomorrow, this week's designated Starbucks Day, I plan to start officially documenting my visits with a picture. Then, ideally, I can blog a weekly Starbucks Picture so that you may all observe the variance of the weather, my drinks, and the weight of the jacket I'm wearing. I know, fascinating, right?

C) I'm yelling my plot opinions at the TV. The season premieres of several shows I like were on this week and last, including Fringe (I've added a Fringe blog to the sidebar), Bones and NCIS. During Fringe and NCIS I took to shrieking, "She's not dead!" and, in both cases, she wasn't. Hah.

D) I'm serving as an Apprentice (my own name) at youth group, since I'm too old to attend now but they do need leaders. Apprentice = junior leader. It's been a little weird so far to shift from being a youth to a leader, but I'm trusting that in time it'll feel a bit more natural.

E) I'm churning through books. Lately I've read Sunshine by Robin McKinley (in brief: PWNS Twilight as far as vampire books go. I love McKinley's writing style to pieces. There was one bit of a scene that was rather TMI as far as I'm concerned, but that's about the book's only offense), A Great and Terrible Beauty by Libba Bray (a bit unremarkable except for the author's present-tense style), and Eclipse by Stephenie Meyer (and it almost killed me). I'm in the process of reading Rebel Angels by Libba Bray, Night Watch by Sergei Lukyanenko, and Living the Cross-Centered Life by C.J. Mahaney. (EDIT: And Outlaws of Sherwood by Robin McKinley. As of today.)

F) Lastly, I'm tentatively starting a second part-time job sometime fairly soon. Watch for more about that in the future.

Another feature I may start incorporating is What Was Melda Humming Today? because the variance of songs that play in my head while I'm at work is astounding. I think that if I started keeping a list it might be amusing. Watch for that too.

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