26 June 2008

Beethoven's fifth symphony

It puts me in an interesting mood. I have to listen to it for music History 3, but the actual music is the most enjoyable part of the course. Reading about Beethoven has been pretty inspiring, too - a deaf musician? Can you imagine being that unbelievably talented and then losing your hearing? I read that he had to be turned around to see how wildly people were applauding after his Ninth Symphony (the one with Ode to Joy) because his hearing had completely gone, and he broke into tears. Just...wow. I actually think the Classical era is one of my favorites for music. Mozart, Haydn, Beethoven - really, who wants more? I mean, not that I don't love Bach and Handel and Vivaldi. Vivaldi's Four Seasons = LOVE. But Classical will always hold a special place in my heart.

In other news, I have trouble saying no, getting out of bed when I say I will, and I'll probably always be hopeless at having a busy life. Yeah. I've started to reread Wheel of Time, and am enjoying the first book probably more than I enjoyed it the initial time through. Mostly because this time, unlike then, I did not read the whole book trying a million different ways of pronouncing Nynaeve and Egwene. No, I did not discover the glossary until I finished the book. I was also unclear on the definition of an Aes Sedai for probably the first three. I like Rand SO much better in the earlier books, before he goes angsty and emo. It's not that I judge him for being angsty and emo, because if I were him, I would probably be more so, but all the same I like him better now.

And that, I think, is all for tonight. I am going to go to bed. Or rather, I am going to get ready for bed, read Eye of the World until I can't keep my eyes open, shut off the light, and dream of a certain angsty romantic pairing and a k-word.

"Hi, I'm Ben. Remember me? I was your brother before you got that laptop."

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