17 April 2008

And again! *le gasp*

Yeah, and it's only been, what, three days? Go me.

That's not to say I have a whole lot to actually talk about, but I suppose it's the thought that counts. Let's see...what's been on my mind lately...I'll pick three.

1) Math sucks. I don't care HOW much you tell me it's an 'exercise for my brain', I'd rather go read a book and exercise my brain that way, thank you very much. All you people who want to be engineers, go ahead and have fun with the quadratic formula and graphing equations and vectors and stuff, but I plan to WRITE, therefore I need about grade 6 math and I'll be quite happy. Oh, and then there's the universities-like-math school of thought. WHY? WHY do they like math? What's so impressive about playing with numbers for years on end that they like it at universities? I've been playing piano for ten years, and I think that shows a lot more discipline and commitment than math does. I also know stuff like, oh, how to spell and use grammar and punctuation correctly. All that to say - I hate math. And math hates me. And I am saying goodbye to math forever as soon as I possibly can.

2) On a happier note, I'm remembering my view on post-secondary education and life after high school as it was about this time last year, when the thought scared me silly and I had no desire to even converse on it. Last year was also the year I was in band, and the year I discovered I didn't want a career in music (yes, the two are related), which may have helped that along a bit. And I mean, it's not like I have every facet of my life after school planned out, but I know a lot more than I did, and it doesn't scare me like it used to. So I suppose that's a good step in the right direction. I like knowing what I'd like to do, and even if most of it right now is just dreams, it's certainly better than nothing.

3) And finally, and somewhat randomly, I've been really thankful for friendship lately. Over the weekend I had so much fun meeting people and discovering people with the same passions as me and finding that I'm not the only crazy one out there. There have been times where I've felt that I don't quite fit with the friends I have, and most of this year has been discovering that I don't need to fit. They'll love me anyway, and fitting has nothing to do with it. It reminds me of a conversation we had at the youth retreat about confidence - when you're self-assured and real and you, people won't care what kind of clothes you have or what you look like. Because by being confident and not caring what others think and knowing that above all, God will love you no matter what and in the end nothing else matters, you're beautiful inside and out. Easier said than done, but it's very important to always remember.

And a couple random things...I haven't heard about my job application at the library and I'm getting rather antsy. Could you guys pray that I get it, please? This is a bit of a rare opportunity and I'd love it if I could work somewhere I enjoy. Random thing #2 - so you probably remember the short story I wrote a while back, for the Scholastic Art and Writing Awards. I'm pretty sure I didn't make it on a national level. The list they posted on their site doesn't include Canadians at all, but I think if I won my name would be on there. I'm okay with it, though - I didn't expect to even get past the first level, so it's all good. Random thing #3 - this is my 200th blog post. *celebration* Random thing #4 - I edited my profile. Rather more accurate now.

I think that's all.

is now ~Melda (because I answer to that anyway)

"Will, don't stand on the popcorn."

1 comment:

Kyleian said...

Math isn't all bad... I lived like that for 9 years... and now I love it.