15 January 2009

Out of a sense of duty -

- I am posting. Generally, when this happens, you all (all, what, five of you?) get to hear about my interesting life because I don't have much else to post about. I mean, I'm sure I could come up with something abstract and philosophical if I were required, but as I've filled my quota of that type of writing for today (essay on Batman and Spiderman and their heroic contrasts) - alas, it is not to be.

So. Life. What have I been doing lately?

Well, working. Working is excellent because it means cash. The possibilities that open up when one has cash are just endless. It's definitely a bonus when one enjoys working, which I do. With the exception of clean-up, generally. The perfectionist in me starts to wail when it's time to do clean-up, because especially if one is cleaning the non-fiction, there just isn't time to make it look more than sort-of-halfway-presentable-if-you-don't-look-too-closely. The first time I cleaned up non-fiction, I got woefully behind and it was not a good thing. However, I am improving.

What else? School. Definitely school. Piano and quizzing included. Grade 9 RCM will come to a glorious close with my exam on the 27th, after which I will never be touching those pieces ever again in my entire life. I'm also in the middle of learning That's How You Know from Enchanted. It's got crazy syncopation, but it's a lot of fun. I discovered that the library has music books, so I also got one with love/romance songs, and started on If I Never Knew You from Pocahontas. It always reminds me of M/K. Quizzing is a whopping 43 verses from Acts 18, which I finished today. Well, 'finished'. It needs fine-tuning. The rest of school is chemistry (molecular structure), math, english (Batman/Spiderman essay!), French, reading Evidence That Demands A Verdict and 7 Men Who Rule The World From The Grave. I recommend both.

Working, school...oh, I'm rewriting my NaNoWriMo novel, and by rewriting I mean almost completely reworking so that you might not even recognize it. That's coming along more slowly, but the working and the school sort of get in the way. I'm also finally reading #3 of the Soldier Son trilogy by Robin Hobb. Those books are definitely not for kids, but I really like her style and the way she doesn't tell you what you're supposed to think about the characters. One I'm done that I'll start Pendragon, #4 of the Pendragon Cycle (Stephen Lawhead).

And in the category of miscellany...I made this recently, for one of the A-U contests. I really like the images and I would rather not have put text in, but I still think it looks nice.

Upcoming events: Inkheart, January 23rd! Very exciting. Also quiz meet, February 6th and 7th in Innisfail.

And now I will get back to work.

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